DescansNatural wool mattresses are recognized and accredited by

Consorci d’Artesania i Fashion Catalunya.

Wool Mattress hundred percent artisan, català, Natural and Organic

The brand Natural Rest, Mattress of Fornells, commitment to a traditional craft product to grow in the coming years. Solé family Fornells responsible for making custom handmade mattress. Use one hundred percent cotton fabric for the cover of Even that's filled with natural wool Obrador Xisqueta.

The association works to recover culd use the wool of the flocks of sheep xisqueta and get a fair price.

In the process of creating Natural Rest, Solé contacted promoters Obrador Xisqueta when looking for a quality product that offers a plus next to the product qualitatively and ecologically.


DescansNatural és la marca que hem creat per denominar els matalassos de llana nous que us duraran tota la vida i també l’única que ofereix l’opció de combinar llana amb un nucli central d’escumació de soia, order to choose the hardness of the mattress to taste, tot respectant les característiques naturals del matalàs de llana i les seves propietats naturals i antial.lèrgiques.Però també offer the service to rebuild the wool mattress you already have, although we have not made us. We do it for more than a century, so you're in good hands…If you have a wool mattress kept in good condition, only then will we get the, i:

1- Airy and clean your wool, opening all the fibers and thus recovering the fluffiness of wool that has naturally.
2- If you need new wool, were added (which is necessary so that we remain a consistent mattress), usually about 2 the 3 kg (Always use new wool “xisqueta” Pyrenees, i rentada screened).
3- Li canviarem la roba per tal que us pugui durar força temps (The fabric of clothing is 100% top quality cotton).
4- Redo the mattress and in a few days you may again enjoy your mattress.

cosir boca 7

We also offer Servei Express amb el qual podreu dormir al vostre matalàs el mateix dia (consultar disponibilitat)

If you are interested resize a mattress: take all wool mattress we definitely notch and bring new, whether it should be a great mattress. Or contrari, whether it should be smaller, I back the wool has exceeded.

This is called being ecological and sustainable, and I can say with all letters.

You can contact us with questions and expose your particular case 93.570.18.49 to the

Sleeping well and you get up rested!

Those who try to live naturally, sleep and rest ecologically.

Here's a bit of our history:

The Mattress Fornells de Sant Fost (known in the town and surrounding area as necessary to create) Wool mattresses are made from the late nineteenth century and has remained the trade from generation to generation until today.

At that time and until the industrial revolution, have a wool mattress position denoted wealthy. Era un bé molt preuat: constant inheritances and gifts for the girls who had married.

In the early twentieth century, the eyes were made of thread, the buttonhole technique, and from Years 50, the eyes became metal.

Wool mattresses there were two types of finish:

– sense borlet, eren més econòmics, only a mattress, we stop them from Years 40.

– amb borlet, that we are still

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The women of the house who wanted to remake the mattress well washed clothes in the morning and put on dry. The mattress was in the house at a prearranged time, scratchy wool and airy and when the cloth was dried, remade all the mattress so that the night was finished sleeping there. They were loaded with poles, les betes, el fil, wax and needles. Normally there were bike.

At that time, there were establishments repurchase wool mattress already very old and elaborated that wool carpets.

Es recorda un eslògan publicitari dels anys 60 “El matalàs de llana resulta baratíssim, Hard 3 generations ".

Wool mattresses were left to do to the lack of local herds, Last wool boom before spring mattresses and other, came from Australia, which did increase the price.

The Greek system is starting to make the Guild mattress in the early 70, indeformitat supposed to compete with the mattress springs. Té molt d’èxit perquè a l’hora de dormir es dorm sobre la llana i la planxa indeformable interior fa de “molla” i permet mantenir intactes totes les propietats del matalàs de llana.

The great advantage of all times is that wool mattresses have always customized, without the price increase are abusive brands that come out of the standard.

This can be crib mattresses, Moises, while it can be rounded or exact measurements mtalassos no special effort.


The mattress wool, Today:

In DescansNatural buy wool Xisqueta, al Pirineu, que prové només de ramats autòctons.

Greco and use the system with a plate of bean escumació, you can choose the hardness of the mattress while making it completely naturally breathable.

We ourselves handmade mattresses, with ever, so you can find the confidence and tradition of expert hands and you can ask any question.
You can contact us at 93.570.18.49 to the


I have not heard of wool mattress. Seems to have lost.

It seems, it only seems… Maybe because it does not talk about advertising and media…
No se’n parla perquè no interessa… Not interested, I mean, a les grans fàbriques que fan els matalassos com a xurros, and after 10 years say they've already thrown so spoiled (and yes you are right!), perquè fan servir materials molt sintètics, with expiration date, no chance.
Les deixalleries i els contenidors en són plens.El wool mattress és l’opció més sostenible per descansar. I speak both economic and ecological sustainability.

Makes the mattress with your hands, here, by Country (able to work here, course)

Uses sheep wool Pyrenees and wears cotton clothes 100%, both natural materials biodegrade completely.

I… yes, mattress is not necessary to change each 10 years, Become last many more.

Matalasseria Fornells, over 100 years old and tradition, jumped on the net!

Happy opened within a short time the new line of artisan productionsDescansNatural i de tenir la possibilitat de fer-la arribar arreu.
Soon, have the official…
Meanwhile, small notes:
  • The mattress wool: the only thing that will last a lifetime.
  • Done in a, hand, in consumer tastes.
  • Making all-natural materials and Country.
  • Wool with designation of origin.
  • Sense “Special sizes” a “special prices”.
  • Free transport in Catalonia.
For any queries: 93.570.18.49
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